Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 7, 2016

Top Success Lessons From The Best Personal Development Gurus

3025168-inline-i-1-tony-robbins-on-hunger-disappointment-and-3d-printingHi, this is one of the best articles that you will have ever read in your entire life. Why? Because, it is filled with great words of wisdom that if applied, will change your life. This article contains the most powerful of lessons and tips that will revolutionize your world. And, this is not an exaggeration—it is real stuff that gave thousands of people success, and those who do not understand or apply these principles, end up living a very mediocre and unhappy life. Do you want to be mediocre or live in misery? If not, then keep reading.
Whether the lessons you are about to read are entering your subconscious for the first time or the fifth time, this time, read and apply what you have learned. Create a habit of applying these lessons, because these are the biggest keys that I managed to glean from the personal development industry and my life experience . These are the lessons from the best gurus on this the planet—Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Jim Rohn, Brendon Burchard, Darren Hardy, Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey and many others.
One tip that I suggest you do is to read these lessons as a little child—drop any preconceptions. Silence your sabotaging mind, read and apply. They are gold.

Stand out, be exceptional, and be unstoppable.

Stand out in everything you do. If you do, the rewards you reap will be beyond your imagination.
Want to be filthy rich? Drive sports car? Own an Ireland? Want to be famous? Have extraordinary relationships with your friends and children? Want to have an incredible romance that anyone would envy in a good way? Want to enjoy an extraordinary healthy and athletic body?
Stand out my friend! Stand out beyond what anyone else can expect. Outperform even your own expectations and what you thought was possible. In everything you do, demand more than anyone else could expect.
Be so good that they can’t ignore you. Be the best that you can be on Planet Earth, in your vocation.  It does not matter whether you are a mother, father, son, daughter, employee, teacher, businessman/ businesswoman or friend)
Stand out in all areas. Our civilization emphasizes greatness and exceptionality. Be irreplaceable.

Use your brain and body rather than have your brain and body use you.

Do you want to be very healthy, stop smoking and/or drinking? Do you want to stop eating tons of desserts? Or perhaps, start the dream business that you have thought about for years? Maybe you want to have outstanding relationships? Get rid of any destructive habit…
But, you cannot break through? You quit or start something and then after few weeks return to the same old habits and it is not lasting? It is because your mind, body and old habits use you.
You don’t change, because you are linking very great pleasure to do what you keep doing, and to change it all means pain for you. You have to turn it all around! That’s the only way.
Understand this; you are a programmed survival machine and consist of molecules known as genes. Genes want to survive and to accomplish this, they created your body and mind in a way where you will do anything to avoid pain and gain pleasure.
In an instant, you can change virtually everything in your life, if you start by utilizing the principle of pain and pleasure. Logic does not work; it must be a deep emotion of pain and pleasure.
“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.” – Tony Robbins

Create the most empowering environment around yourself.

You are with chickens; you end up a chicken, and what if you are with eagles? You are the eagle, sooner or later. You are your environment and this is your most significant influence. Break out!
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Environment sounds like a cliche, but it is true. Mark those words.

Visualize, believe and have the most explosive outstanding attitude.

How much potential do you think you have? You know that it is unlimited, yet how much of it do we tap into? Very little. How to further tap into your potential? Visualize results, visualize yourself successfully, visualize being 10x bigger this will install belief in yourself. Do it over and over again. You have potential and to tap into it one of the ways is to see yourself much bigger.
Make your attitudes best friends as well. Wake up each day as the most successful person, like today; you will blast trough life like never before. Instead of worry, doubt, fear, indecision and procrastination, cultivate creativity, joy, deep love, empathy, enthusiasm, confidence, enlightenment, power, and certainty. Cultivate all the best emotions that your body and brain are capable off.  This will bring out the best in you and enable you to tao into more of your potential. Train yourself to be the best in a situation. Destructive and negative emotions are only useful for a moment—for a second or two, then just move on. Train yourself to feel the best that life has to offer. By aiming for the best states and attitudes, you will accomplish more in one year than most people in their lifetime.
Change limiting beliefs; these are like smoke and stops you; they are nothing. Rather, install new beliefs such as, “If I can visualize and see it, I can make it happen.”
Eliminate and silence self-sabotaging and destructive mind beliefs and do not let them control you.
Realize this, being this consciousness and this developed as a human being is the most extraordinary gift and miracle—see everything as an opportunity, regardless of the outcome.

Make prompt and quick decisions.

Decision… do you know what it is? When you decide you have no other possible way to retreat or look back. When you decide it is unchangeable unless some path leads to the greater outcome and your greater desire.
Right now,  you can decide to change anything—anything! That power is within you, right now.

Don’t procrastinate on your biggest dreams.

Don’t say someday, don’t say tomorrow. You won’t do it!  Go for your dream right now—start working right now.
Most people dwell on decisions for years and months and in the end, they don’t even make that decision. They wait for life to hand it to them. Don’t wait.  Be different.
Time will ruthlessly pass by leaving you filled with regret on your deathbed. Look at the picture below.

Imitate as close as possible your masters and outperform them.

Don’t waste your time here on Planet Earth. If you want to achieve something, there is someone who already has what you want! Pick their brain, whether it is via a book, blog, dinner, record, interview or video on YouTube. Once you get the strategy, apply it. You will have a strategy that took that person 10 – 20 years of hard work to figure it out.
More importantly, remember being exceptional and standing out? When you find your master for a particular area, apply the principals and improve your life. The results will exceed your expectations—the world will be your oyster.
There are strategies all around you for anything you want. Do what he or she says, or what he or she does. IMITATE AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE.

Develop deep empathy, the highest social intelligence and cultivate an understanding of people.

You will do everything in your life through people. Those who understand what makes a person tick, will make the most of their existence and time here. You have to know what moves people and understand them. You have to delve deep into reality and see people as they are. Understanding people is a power that is accessible to all of us, and you must master it. Otherwise, you will have very big conflicts, confusions, and emotional drains and your career or business will suffer.

Never give in. Never.

Most people give up just before they reach success or breakthrough in their life. During the hardest moments, empower yourself. You will face many rejections and pain, setbacks, losses and temporary defeats, but never give in. Even it requires many failures, don’t quit. If you quit, you can’t win. Learn from experience and keep going towards your dream. That’s how you learned to walk, eat, talk, and drive.
“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

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